Ymca of Oakville and Sheridan Receive $135000 Trillium Fund Grant

Foundation: Ontario Trillium Foundation

credit: From Wikipedia

The Covid-19 virus took a toll on people's mental health, physical health, and food security, and now a Canadian nonprofit is hoping to find out why.

The YMCA of Oakville has received a $135,000 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to conduct a study that will look at "the most critical community health and well-being needs and opportunities which were exacerbated by the pandemic over the last year," the organization says in a press release.

Specifically, the study will look at "needs related to mental health, physical exercise, healthy eating, and food securityas well as the related barriers to addressing these gaps," per the release.

Residents in two neighborhoods in Oakville, Ontario, were asked to name their "most pressing community health and well-being needs," as well as barriers to participation and engagement, per the press release.

A final report will be published next month.

"As we emerge from the pandemic, the knowledge gained from this study will include recommended program interventions for Sheridan College, the YMCA, and other local community agencies; helping to chart the most relevant path to improve community well-being and resiliency for these neighborhoods," says a community outreach manager at Sheridan College, per the release.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders